Accord Apps Development and Marketing
App Review : The Entertainer
The Entertainer app is a new luxury app available around Asia and the Middle East. The app provides discounts and deals based on location and where you are looking for […]
App Development, Mobile Apps Review -
全球最多人用的 10 大熱門手機 App 應用程式
GlobalWebIndex 日前公佈了 2013 年第二季熱門手機應用程式排行榜,這些Apps,你也有在用嗎? 2013年第二季十大熱門手機App: 1.Google Maps (54%) Google Maps 支援全球多個國家的地圖,只要一機在手便不怕迷路,奪魁是理所當然的啦! 2.Facebook Mobile App (44%) Facebook是全球最大社交媒體之一,FB用家有了App亦方便得多。 3.YouTube (35%) 使用手機瀏覽YouTube的確方便呢!不過也有用家比較喜歡在電腦屏幕上觀看影片啦。 4.Google+ App (30%) Google+ 是新興社交平台,實力不容小覷呢! 5.WeChat (27%) 來自中國的WeChat算是App中的黑馬啊! 6.Twitter Mobile App (22%) […]
App Development, App Promotion, Hong Kong App, Mobile Apps Review, Online Marketing -
Why Your Company Should Create a Business App
– IT drives Sales * 55% consumers’ time spent with online retail happened on a mobile device Vs 45% on computers – Increase Customer Engagement * Keeping your audience engaged […]
App Development, App Promotion, Brand Building, Online Marketing
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