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AppReview: Yoga Trainer

Instructional Graphics
Alarm facility
Best Youtube Videos For Yoga
Rules and Benefits of yoga
Usable for both men and women
Nearby Yoga Centers or trainer for help

Yoga Trainer app is developed by Mango Technologies Pvt. Ltd. It brings very easy and simple explanation of Asana’s established by Saint Patanjali. This app is user suitable and good for the beginners. Many awesome features make this app so strong and one of the best yoga apps. It has instructional graphics which explain each pose in detail. Best youtube videos of each pose is available in this app. So any user can easily do yoga by using this app. Else this app let the users know the rules and benefits of yoga. Users can easily find the nearby yoga centers and trainers. And another awesome feature of this app is Latest yoga news.

On the home screen you will see rules, benefits, what is yoga and nearby yoga options. If you want to find any nearby yoga centers, just tap on nearby yoga.Simply tap on the video icon to watch video of the pose. Else you will get some other features by swiping.
Doing yoga is meant for mental and physical cleansing. Yoga can cure many diseases such as gastric trouble, cervical spondylitis, dislocation of disc, constipation, diabetes, obesity, chronic acidity and all other stomach related diseases, abdominal pain, allergy, sinusitis, migraine, depression, high blood pressure, respiratory problems, stress, cholesterol and heart diseases etc. And Yoga apps like Yoga Trainer can be most essential to do yoga.

Obviously Yoga Trainer is an awesome app for daily yoga. You can use and get the proof.

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Disclaimer: The content of the above mobile app review are the opinions of the reviewers and is intended for informational, educational and discussion purposes only, and should not be used, interpred or relied upon as any form of recommendations. We does not endorse or accredit the mobile app. We make no representations or warranties with respect to the app for the company owned the app and the app developer developed the app.

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